Our shepherd couples love pastors and their spouses and have a burden to come alongside the pastor and their spouse to encourage and support. Moses had Aaron, David had Jonathan, Elijah had Elisha, Jesus had Peter, James, and John, Paul had Barnabas. Our shepherd couples are a diverse group of servants who have a desire to care for pastors and their spouses who have dedicated their lives in serving the Church. Our shepherds seek to build caring and trusted relationships with pastors and their spouse keeping them healthy and strong.
We have raised up a team of shepherd couples who know the challenges, difficulties, frustrations, and discouragement pastors and their spouses often encounter as they care for the people in their churches and communities.
Are you looking for a way to continue your impact that can empower pastors and the Church for healthy effective ministry? Uncommon Ministries is a ministry to pastors. Our pastors who care for people in their churches and communities need someone to care for them. These pastors need a safe people in their lives who can be a support system for them and their spouse.
If you love pastors and have a burden for the hardships many of them face then you may be interested in becoming a pastor’s shepherd.