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Uncommon Ministries was founded by people dedicated to encouraging and helping pastors lead their congregations and live healthier lives.  We know the difficulties and aloneness pastors go through.  Our staff have served as pastors, associate pastors, as church leaders, board members, and worked as church office administrators.  Our combined experiences gives our team unique perspectives to the many challenges pastors face.


We take a personal interest in the success of every pastor who participate in our coaching process.  Our goal is to come along side pastors to encourage and equip, providing each pastor with a positive support system needed in developing their skills and passion to lead their church to its full potential. 


Our mission is to help pastors  lead their churches to greater effectiveness in restoring God’s vision for the world.


Our vision is to see church culture transformed restoring God’s dream for the Church.


Our strategy is to encourage and empower pastors through support and relationship-driven programs and content for effective ministry.

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